Getting to know LHMedia:
Who and What is LHMedia and more importantly What Purpose does it serve?
LHMedia is the brain child of Lynne Hendricks, whose interest into the world of Social Media was peaked by the challenges Social Media was presenting to those not yet familiar with its concept. The use of Social Media took a hold on individuals, specifically those in business, as far back as 2014 as she realised, that Social Media was taking over the world of Business Marketing, as we knew it.
Social Media was the platform to be used.
Her working experience was mainly linked to NGO’s, Project and Event Management, including Event Fund-raising. However she found Social Media to be fascinating and this sparked her need to understand it. Her interest was peeked, she was determined to make Social Media her way of life and. she soon started experimenting with what Social Media had to offer Small Businesses.
LHMedia was born.
Since its initial inception, Lynne has worked with NGO’s and other Small Businesses, helping them develop, grow and improve on their Social Media exposure. LHMedia has worked with Businesses and Organisations such as, Brukman Consulting, SignatureSA, The Red Ribbon Foundation, Life Support, Life Coach, Kidz2Kidz, Blckiddcpt, Maarman Transport, Zeldene McDonald Shuller and Royal Kids.
Blogged about Don Vino Prins, Robin Pieters, Salome, Karin Kortjie , Shihaam Yummy Fisher and many more.
LHMedia is versatile and able to adapt.
Like its involvement with clients, its services have evolved to meet the online demands of its clients and the industry. LHMedia is constantly reviewing its services and adapting to the needs of Small Business and other potential clients.
LHMedia’s current services include:
Social Media Development: FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram, including Basic Website Development
Social Media Management: All Social Media platforms
Business Profiling: Understanding the person behind the Business
Small Business Networking: Creating Business Hub, sharing resources and skills.
Training: Basic Social Media Training and other....
Skills Development: Lynne is also an accredited Skills Development Facilitator and Assessor.
The Opportunities are unlimited.
Social Media has brought a new life to Marketing and its here to stay.
To learn more about the Hub and the services that LHMedia has to offer please do not hesitate to contact LHMedia, today for your obligation free, tailored quotation.
Should a service you require not be listed here, enquire if LHMedia can assist or recommend a suitable partner.
Follow us on Facebook @LHMediahub, Twitter @LHMediaHub, Instagram @LHMediaHub
@LHMedia We Take Risk, For What We Love Doing!
Contact us Today:
Email Lynne: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +2767 406 3818